Category Archives: Recipe

Quinoa for Breakfast?!

Quinoa.  High in fiber.   Higher in protein. Contains calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.  Has all essential amino acids.  High in vitamin B.  Gluten free.  Easy to make.

So why the heck NOT have it for breakfast!?!

Now you can.  They’re called Quinoa Breakfast Squares and they are hearty, satisfying, and delicious. This is the perfect breakfast for days you wake up craving something warm and comforting.

The recipe makes roughly  8 to 10 servings, so you can freeze what you don’t eat for another time.

With winter upon us, I thought this would be the perfect time to share the quinoa love.

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Quickest Salad Ever

It’s lunch time.  You’re home.  You open the fridge.  Hmmm…leftovers from last night?  Turkey sandwich?  Peanut butter and jelly?  You close the fridge and open the freezer.  Frozen meal?

You open the fridge again.  Yup, the veggies are still there.  (You actually saw them the first time, but dismissed them as a possibility for lunch because the thought of preparing yourself a salad was exhausting.)

But you KNOW that there is nothing healthier than a salad loaded with tons of veggies. But you ALSO know that salads are a pain in the you know what to make!

And here is what I have to say about that:  Take out those veggies!

Lack of time and/or effort will no longer deter you from instilling health at lunchtime.

Make yourself and your body a priority by following my formula for the quickest salad ever! You are worth it, my friend!

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I Love A Good Quickie!

It’s 4:00 and you realize you haven’t even begun to think about dinner. And to be honest, it’s probably too late to start making anything.  But you can’t do nuggets and mac AGAIN!  (Hey – nothing wrong with it sometimes, but 3 nights in a row?  Now you’re pushin’ it.)

So what is a person to do?  Spend another $40 on take out for the whole family?  Switch it up by serving the parmesan mac and cheese as opposed to the cheddar mac and cheese?  Pray that tonight is the night the magical dinner fairy will deliver a healthy, home cooked meal to your home?  (And then also clean up after you eat??)

You COULD do those things, or you could fall back on your ‘go to, no time to cook, or not in the mood to cook’ meals.     You CAN make a dinner that is (almost) as easy as ordering in, and feel good about putting a (mostly) home cooked meal on the table.

And here is the secret….

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My ‘Go To’ Veggie Recipe

I can’t even call it my go to recipe.  It’s really more like my ONLY veggie recipe!  OK, so now Im totally exaggerating, but I would definitely say I use this recipe at LEAST three times per week.  Why?  Because it is the easiest, most delicious way, in my opinion, to prepare vegetables.  And the beauty of this recipe is that you can basically use ANY vegetables you like. 

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