Category Archives: tips

Join The Club! The Superfood Club, That Is!

I have to admit something.  Before I got into this whole health thing, I used to hear about super foods and feel intimidated.  I thought the only people who really knew about them and ate them were hard core health nuts – like we’re talking juicers, raw foodists, vegans, etc.  

But then I started doing my research, started learning more about these super foods, and slowly started trying them.  

And I have news for you – it actually is NOT difficult to incorporate them into your diet, and I am going to show you how!

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You & Your Children Desperately Need This

One of the best things you can do as a parent is to feed your child (and yourself!) a solid, energy packed, nutritional breakfast. 

But if your mornings are anything like mine,  you are rushing around making lunches, packing snacks, picking out clothing, signing papers that didn’t get signed the night before, breaking up a sibling fight or two, feeding the dog, and actually getting dressed yourself because you simply cannot take your kids to school AGAIN in your robe!  (Hey – we don’t have to get out of the car, right??)

So what CAN you do to beef up the nutritional content of your and your children’s breakfasts?

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It Shouldn’t Be All or Nothing

Healthy eating should not be an all or nothing deal.

To wake up one day and tell yourself that ‘you are going to be healthy from now on’ never works, because the moment you eat something unhealthy you’ve failed.  And that moment is just a matter of time.


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Your New BFF: Water

We all know that one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves is to drink plenty of water. That is old news.  We’ve heard it time and time again.

But did you know that you actually need to drink at least half of your bodyweight in ounces to be sufficiently hydrated.   So a 150 pound person has to drink 75 ounces of water a day.  That is over nine glasses of water that are over 8 ounces each.

That is A LOT of water!

So today I want to answer the following question:

How the heck are you supposed to remember to drink so much water EVERY day?

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Nutrient Packed Breakfast in 60 Seconds: Oatmeal Packets

One (of many) great things about oatmeal is that it is super easy to make.  All you have to do is add boiling water.  And even if you don’t have time to wait for boiling water you can use your microwave or even use your Keurig for some fast hot water delivery!

As you know from my first oatmeal post, I like to supercharge my oatmeal by adding lots of nutrient dense toppings.  But by doing so, it starts to take more than just a minute to make by the time I take out all of the toppings, measure them out, put them in my oatmeal, and put them away. 

I wanted my mac daddy oatmeal and I wanted it fast and this is how my Oatmeal Packets were born!

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