Tag Archives: tips

Combating Healthy Eating Intimidation-itis

Before my health journey began about 3 years ago, I thought vegans were coo-coo.   Tofu? Only for vegetarians.  Matcha tea?  A drink for hippity dippities.

I realize now that I had a bad case of Healthy Eating Intimidation-itis.

Have you heard of it?  You know, when something sounds like it can only be found in a health food store, you automatically assume it’s not for you?

I have been a relatively healthy eater my whole life.  But even so…healthy eating intimidation-itis was pervasive.  Tofu?  Tempeh? Fish oil? Intermittent fasting?  What the what??

But as a recovering Healthy Eating Intimidation-aholic, I am here to tell you that it is very simple to overcome this condition.  

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How to Handle Temptation

It happens to everyone.  Somehow something VERY tempting and very unhealthy ends up in your fridge. Maybe your spouse brought home leftovers from your favorite Chinese restaurant. Maybe your child received a goody bag filled with your favorite candy bars.   Maybe guests brought over the most amazing cheesecake.

So the question becomes:


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Sneaking in Flaxseed

I get such a kick out of hiding healthy ingredients in my children’s food.   If it doesn’t affect the taste, why not provide the extra nutrients for them?  It’s such a win-win.

The nutritional powerhouse that I frequently sneak into my children’s food is ground flaxseed. You can find it at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and most mainstream supermarkets at this point.

Flaxseeds come from the flax plant, one of the oldest fiber crops in the world. Flaxseeds are high in fiber and protein. They contain vitamins B­1, B­2, C, E, carotene, iron and zinc.
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Frozen Vegetables: To Eat or Not To Eat

Until recently, I never gave frozen vegetables a second thought.  For some reason they just didn’t seem as nutritious as those fresh, colorful, vibrant ones sitting in the produce section.   But I’d heard that frozen veggies can be just as healthy as fresh ones, so there really wasn’t a valid reason NOT to consider including them in my diet.

Last week I was in Whole Foods in the freezer section and there they were – frozen ORGANIC broccoli, cauliflower, peas, spinach, and kale and I thought, how nice would it be to have these on hand for days when I’m flat out of fresh vegetables or am just not in the mood to deal with the cleaning and preparation?

It was at that moment I decided to find out once and for all if frozen veggies were just as nutritious as fresh ones so I pulled out my phone and googled “Are frozen vegetables healthy?”.

Here is what I found: Continue reading