Tag Archives: tips

Goldfish: The Bane of My Existence

I wish Goldfish were never invented.  Every time I see my kids chompin’ away at those fish shaped crackers, I feel that twang of shame for allowing my children to eat processed junk.

I KNOW processed food isn’t real food and our bodies aren’t wired to consume it.

I KNOW those little fishies contain vegetable oils, and if you read my post on fats, you’ll know my thoughts on those.  

I KNOW they have ‘autolized yeast’ in them which naturally contains MSG (not nearly as concentrated as pure MSG, but still).

I know it all.  So WHY do I still buy them and allow my kids to eat them?

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No Brainer Food Substitutions

Be honest.  Did you make any resolutions for 2016 that involved eating better?

Did you know that 88% of health related resolutions are broken by the second week in January??

Today’s post is dedicated to making sure you end up in the successful 12%.  And this can happen if you decide to take on the following resolution:

I will commit to substituting certain every day foods with healthier versions.

Here are 3 common foods you can EASILY replace with healthier upgrades.  And I have no doubt you will be able to keep this resolution not only through the second week of January, but FOREVER.

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The Skinny on Fats

I’m having deja vu. There are so many debated issues when it comes to nutrition and it can be so exhausting!  Just recently I discussed the varying opinions on soy because I wanted my questions answered once and for all. Well, now I feel the same way about fats and oils. What is the deal? Are saturated fats bad or not? What about canola oil? Vegetable oils?

Once again I wanted to clear up my confusion and set out to do my due diligence. I have to say that there is enough material on the topic to write a book!

As you can imagine, there are many varying opinions, so I can’t present you with definitive right or wrong conclusions.

That said, just like in my soy findings, there are certain themes that are repeatedly confirmed, and THESE are what I am going to talk about in today’s post.

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Soy: Friend or Foe?

Soy is one of those foods whose health benefits is constantly debated. And I have to be honest – as a health coach it is exhausting.

I have read countless articles citing the benefits of soy as well as ones listing the dangers.

But after reading many studies, I’ve noticed an overall consensus:

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Quickest Salad Ever

It’s lunch time.  You’re home.  You open the fridge.  Hmmm…leftovers from last night?  Turkey sandwich?  Peanut butter and jelly?  You close the fridge and open the freezer.  Frozen meal?

You open the fridge again.  Yup, the veggies are still there.  (You actually saw them the first time, but dismissed them as a possibility for lunch because the thought of preparing yourself a salad was exhausting.)

But you KNOW that there is nothing healthier than a salad loaded with tons of veggies. But you ALSO know that salads are a pain in the you know what to make!

And here is what I have to say about that:  Take out those veggies!

Lack of time and/or effort will no longer deter you from instilling health at lunchtime.

Make yourself and your body a priority by following my formula for the quickest salad ever! You are worth it, my friend!

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